I have a rather complicated kafka streams application involving multiple
joins, aggregates, maps etc. At a certain point, parts of the data needs to
be removed throughout the entire streams topology, both in the topics, the
changelogs and the rocksdb state stores.

Managing this requires a lot of effort and things get very complex. F.e.
when a KStream has a null value and is aggregated, you first need to
convert it into some optional value instead b/c aggregates ignore nulls.

Is there a better way or a way that does not impact all the existing
streaming logic?

I was thinking about having an out-of-bound process that sends null values
to all topics with the correct keys. I could then filter out all null
values before doing the rest of the existing stream logic.
Would that make sense?

I can send null values to all my topics, but how do I get the changelog
topics created by kafka-streams. And what about the state store?

Best regards

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