Hello Sergi, I think we need to step back a little bit and understand what is what you are trying to achieve, please, will be beneficial to give you an accurate answer.
What order can I expect for these published messages? - This depends on different factors, like linger, batch size, buffers, etc, even the network latency. We should get all the records in the order of their offsets, thus we will be able to consume A and will not be able to consume B until X is either committed or aborted? - This depends on the reading isolation level, partitions assigned to the consumer, ... If you give a little bit more context about what you are trying to achieve, probably we can help you further. Cheers! -- Jonathan On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 6:51 AM Sergi Vladykin <sergi.vlady...@gmail.com> wrote: > Thanks a lot for your help! > > Another question about ordering and visibility. > > Lets say we have two transactional producers with different transactional > ids. They both publish records to the same partition like this: > > *thread1: startTx* > *thread1: record A* > *thread2: startTx* > *thread2: record X* > *thread1: record B* > *thread1: commit* > *thread2: record Y* > *thread2: commit* > > What order can I expect for these published messages? > Looks like it should be possible to get interleaved AXBY order (if the > records were not batched together). > But what if thread2 hangs for a long time right before the commit and > thread1 successfully commits? > We should get all the records in the order of their offsets, thus we will > be able to consume A and will not be able > to consume B until X is either committed or aborted? > Is my understanding right? > > The same will happen when we have one transactional and one > non-transactional producer publishing to the same partition? > > Sergi > > вс, 24 нояб. 2019 г. в 21:12, Jonathan Santilli < > jonathansanti...@gmail.com > >: > > > Hello Sergi, > > > > 1. Is it OK to mix transactional and non-transactional approach with a > > single KafkaProducer instance? > > - This is not possible, a transactional producer can not send data > outside > > a transaction. > > > > I mean sometimes I want to publish multiple messages transactionally, but > > oftentimes just a single message. > > Starting a transaction for publishing a single message looks inefficient. > > What is the recommend approach here? > > - Try to batch the records, if possible, otherwise, you need to begging > and > > commit the transaction, even for a single record. > > > > 2. If I publish multiple messages to multiple partitions in a single > > transaction is it guaranteed to be all or nothing published? > > - Yes, this is the power of the transactions, all or nothing. > > > > Is it possible to end up with only half of the messages published to half > > of partitions in some failure scenario? > > - No, this is not possible if you are using correctly a transaction. > > > > Please, take a look at this simple gist with diff scenarios of a > > KafkaProducer, hope this help: > > > https://gist.github.com/jonathansantilli/3b69ebbcd24e7a30f66db790ef648f99 > > > > > > Cheers! > > -- > > Jonathan > > > > > > > > On Sat, Nov 23, 2019 at 8:33 PM Sergi Vladykin <sergi.vlady...@gmail.com > > > > wrote: > > > > > Hi! > > > > > > I have two questions related to transactional producers: > > > > > > 1. Is it OK to mix transactional and non-transactional approach with a > > > single KafkaProducer instance? I mean sometimes I want to publish > > multiple > > > messages transactionally, but oftentimes just a single message. > Starting > > a > > > transaction for publishing a single message looks inefficient. What is > > the > > > recommend approach here? > > > > > > 2. If I publish multiple messages to multiple partitions in a single > > > transaction is it guaranteed to be all or nothing published? Is it > > possible > > > to end up with only half of the messages published to half of > partitions > > in > > > some failure scenario? > > > > > > Sergi > > > > > > > > > -- > > Santilli Jonathan > > > -- Santilli Jonathan