Hello All,

I have a streaming job running in production which is processing over 2
billion events per day and it does some heavy processing on each event. We
have been facing some challenges in managing flink in production like
scaling in and out, restarting the job with savepoint etc. Flink provides a
lot of features which seemed as an obvious choice at that time but now with
all the operational overhead we are thinking should we still use flink for
our stream processing requirements or choose kafka streams.

We currently deploy flink on ECR. Bringing up a new cluster for another
stream job is too expensive but on the flip side running it on the same
cluster becomes difficult since there are no ways to say this job has to be
run on a dedicated server versus this can run on a shared instance. Also
savepoint point, cancel and submit a new job results in some downtime. The
most critical part being there is no shared state among all tasks sort of a
global state. We sort of achieve this today using an external redis cache
but that incurs cost as well.

If we are moving to kafka streams, it makes our deployment life much
easier, each new stream job will be a microservice that can scale
independently. With global state it's much easier to share state without
using external cache. But the disadvantage is we have to rely on the
partitions for parallelism. Although this might initially sound easier,
when we need to scale much higher this will become a bottleneck.

Do you guys have any suggestions on this? We need to decide which way to
move forward and any suggestions would be of much greater help.


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