Btw: There is an example implementation of a custom daily window that
considers time zones. Maybe it helps:


On 10/23/19 10:02 PM, 董宗桢 wrote:
> Hello Boyang,
> If I start the Kafka Stream process at the middle of a day, say, 10/24 16:00 
> pm, and with a tumbling window size of 1 day(24 hours). Would the next 
> aggregation run at 10/25 00:00 AM? or at 10/25 16:00 PM?
> 在 2019-10-24 11:06:24,"Boyang Chen" <> 写道:
>> Hey Zongzhen,
>> I have implemented some similar functionality with KStream before. You
>> could just set tumbling window to 24 hours to get daily aggregation result.
>> As you just need calendar dates, the tumbling window computation starts
>>from system time 0 which is exactly cut-off daily.
>> Boyang
>> On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 7:21 PM 董宗桢 <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I wanna run Kafka Streams on my system to aggregate the users' sales order
>>> transactions based on "daily".
>>> I know that Kafka Streams provides such mechanisms called tumbling window,
>>> but it seems to be just setting an interval to run the aggregation
>>> function. What I want is to aggregate by calendar date, which means, for
>>> example, from 10.23 00:00 AM to 10.24 00:00AM, kind of a scheduler which
>>> runs every day at 00:00AM to count all my transactions that happened last
>>> day.
>>> Is there any functionality in Kafka streams that I can use out of the box
>>> to implement my requirement?
>>> Thanks

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