You can use the REST API to monitor the status of connectors and their
tasks. As of AK 2.3 it's been improved so you can poll
http://localhost:8083/connectors?expand=info&expand=status and use the
returned data to understand the status. You can parse it and do something
like this:

curl -s "http://localhost:8083/connectors?expand=info&expand=status"; | \
             jq '. | to_entries[] | [, .key,
| \
             column -s : -t| sed 's/\"//g'| sort

Which returns:

source  |  source-debezium-mysql-02  |  RUNNING  |  RUNNING  |


Robin Moffatt | Senior Developer Advocate | | @rmoff

On Thu, 24 Oct 2019 at 15:52, KhajaAsmath Mohammed <>

> Hi,
> We are using kafka connect in production and I have few questions about it.
> when we submit kafka connect job using rest api . Job gets continously
> running in the background and due to some issues, lets say we restarted
> kafka cluster. do we need to start manually all the jobs again?
> Is there a way to monitor these jobs using tools. I know we can use connect
> UI but in case if we have more than 1000 jobs it would become more complex.
> I am also looking for trigger mechanism to send out email or alert support
> team if the connector was killed due to some reasons.
> Thanks,
> Asmath

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