Hi there,

Finally we upgraded our producer configuration to ensure message order:

    retries = 1
# note to ensure order enable.idempotence=true, which forcing to acks=all and 
    enable.idempotence = true
    max.in.flight.requests.per.connection = 4
    acks = "all"

However, recently we faced this exception:

org.apache.kafka.common.errors.OutOfOrderSequenceException: The broker received 
an out of order sequence number..

Any idea why happened? Is that expected?

It could be related to retries configuration? It’s that configuration properly 

From official 
 we found recommending unset retries, being default value to Integer.MAX_VALUE:

“To take advantage of the idempotent producer, it is imperative to avoid 
application level re-sends since these cannot be de-duplicated. As such, if an 
application enables idempotence, it is recommended to leave the retries config 
unset, as it will be defaulted to Integer.MAX_VALUE. Additionally, if a 
send(ProducerRecord) returns an error even with infinite retries (for instance 
if the message expires in the buffer before being sent), then it is recommended 
to shut down the producer and check the contents of the last produced message 
to ensure that it is not duplicated. Finally, the producer can only guarantee 
idempotence for messages sent within a single session.”


Jose Manuel Vega Monroy
Java Developer / Software Developer Engineer in Test
Direct: +0035 0 2008038 (Ext. 8038)
Email: jose.mon...@williamhill.com<mailto:jose.mon...@williamhill.com>
William Hill | 6/1 Waterport Place | Gibraltar | GX11 1AA

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