Hi, personally speaking my usual monitoring of choice for k8s is Prometheus + Grafana, but end of the day most of the monitoring solutions do a good job, so I would mostly ask what do you know the most. For this environments I would be more interested on proper container management for kafka and be sure that the pods are running in the best way possible.
-- Pere Missatge de M. Manna <manme...@gmail.com> del dia dj., 26 de set. 2019 a les 16:01: > Hello, > > Has anyone got any experience in using monitoring tool (e.g. Prometheus, > DataDog, or custom) for Kafka on K8s? > > Cruise-control doesn't come with official docker image (Neither does Kafka > Manager). I was just curious to know if people usually monitor this as a > service through external providers, or using custom-made tools. > > Thanks, > -- Pere Urbon-Bayes Software Architect http://www.purbon.com https://twitter.com/purbon https://www.linkedin.com/in/purbon/