Thanks Ismael and Bill.

It seems that nobody objects with the proposal. Hence, I prepared the
following PR to update the upgrade notes.

 - (trunk and 2.3)
 - (2.2)

Will also revert the cherry-pick commit in 2.1 branch and update the
Jira ticket.


On 9/16/19 4:22 PM, Ismael Juma wrote:
> +1 to the proposal. Let's also highlight this in the release notes for
> 2.2.2 and 2.3.0 please.
> Ismael
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 10:23 AM Matthias J. Sax <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> recently a user reported an issue upgrading a Kafka Streams application
>> from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 (cf
>> <>)
>> After some investigation, we identified
>> to be the root cause of
>> the problem.
>> The fix for KAFKA-7895 is using message headers and thus requires broker
>> version 0.11.0 (or newer) and message format 0.11 (or newer). Hence,
>> while a Kafka Streams application version 2.2.0 is compatible to older
>> brokers (0.10.1 and 0.10.2) and only requires message format 0.10, the
>> backward compatibility was broken accidentally in 2.2.1.
>> The fix is also contained in 2.3.0 release and cherry-picked to 2.1
>> branch (2.1.2 is not released yet, and thus 2.1 users are not affected
>> as this point).
>> Note: only users that use `suppress()` operator in their program are
>> affected.
>> We should not break streams-broker backward compatibility in bug-fix
>> releases at all and avoid for minor releases. However, it seems
>> necessary to have the fix in 2.3.0 though -- otherwise, `suppress()` is
>> effectively useless and it does not seem to be a good idea to fix the
>> bug only in the next major release. Hence, trading-off some backward
>> compatibility in a minor release seems to be acceptable for this case,
>> considering that 0.11.0 was release 2 years ago.
>> For 2.2.1, it is more challenging to decide how to move forward, because
>> we should not have broken streams-broker compatibility but 2.2.1 is
>> already released and we can only react after the fact.
>>   From my point of view, the best way is to keep the fix and update the
>> release notes and documentation accordingly. The main reason for my
>> suggestions is that we would expect a majority of users to be on 0.11.0
>> brokers already and the fix will work for them -- reverting the fix in
>> 2.2.2 seems to be worse for all those users on newer broker versions. We
>> also know that `suppress()` is a highly demanded feature and a lot of
>> people waited for a fix.
>>   The expected minority of users that are on 0.10.1 / 0.10.2 brokers, or
>> newer brokers but still on message format 0.10 would either need to stay
>> on Kafka Streams 2.2.0 or upgrade their brokers/message format
>> accordingly. However, upgrading brokers/message format is de-facto
>> already required for 2.2.1 and thus keeping the fix would not make the
>> situation worse.
>> For 2.1, I would suggest to revert the fix to make sure we don't break
>> streams-broker compatibility for 2.1.x users. If those users need the
>> fix for `suppress()` they need to upgrade to 2.2.1/2.3.0 or newer and
>> make sure their brokers are on 0.11.0 with message format 0.11, too.
>> TL;DR; the proposal is:
>> (1) revert the fix for KAFKA-7895 in 2.1 branch
>> (2) keep the fix for KAFKA-7895 in 2.2.1 and 2.3.0
>> Impact:
>>  - Kafka Streams 2.1.x and 2.2.0 applications are backward compatible
>> back to 0.10.1 brokers, requiring message format 0.10
>>  - Kafka Streams 2.2.2 / 2.3.0 application (or newer) are backward
>> compatible back to 0.11.0 brokers, requiring message format 0.11
>> Please let us know what you think about this proposal.
>> -Matthias

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