Hello , 
Sorry for the delay in response to your question. We seem to have differing 

I thought I'd send to you the two most pertinent responses from Guozhang and 
Matthias, and perhaps take it from there.

londoncalling on GitHub

- - - 

Guozhang Wang
Thu, Aug 15, 9:56 AM (8 days ago)

There are some old docs translating kafka.apache.org to Chinese but are on old 
versions and out of date, e.g.:


Strictly speaking no one can prevent anyone translating and maintaining their 
docs from apache.org.


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Matthias J. Sax
Thu, Aug 15, 10:04 AM (8 days ago)

I guess the question is, if Kafka webpage should host the translated
docs. Reading between the lines, I get the impression that the person
want to contribute this to the project?

If Kafka should host it the question is if the community is able to
review and maintain the translation. Not sure how many community members
(that review code) speak Chinese.

But this may be a PMC question?

On 2019/08/07 06:45:21, "wanglingli...@ultrapower.com.cn" 
<wanglingli...@ultrapower.com.cn> wrote: 
> Hello:
>     I am a developer from China , I have read the design of kafka recently 
> from http://kafka.apache.org/documentation/.
> I have an idea to translate the part of it , and  Could you  tell me whether 
> it is allowed to translate the content of your official website 
> to Chinese please ?
>    Thanks a lot .
>    Sincerencely !

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