
Tim Ward

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthias J. Sax <>
Sent: 13 August 2019 08:23
Subject: Re: How do I tell Kafka Streams not to repartition?

Atm, it's not possible to tell Kafka Streams that repartitioning is not
necessary after a key-changing operation at DSL level.

I personally think it would be a good improvement to add this
functionality. It's not the first time somebody asked for it. Feel free
to create a JIRA (and maybe even contribute :) -- note, that we would
need a KIP for this).

The only alternative you have currently, is to not use
`groupByKey().aggregate()`, but `transformValues()` (or similar) and
implement the aggregation manually.


On 8/12/19 1:25 AM, Tim Ward wrote:
> I'm using groupByKey, and it causes repartitioning.
> I suppose I could aggregate by parent ID, if the data structure into which I 
> aggregate by parent ID is itself a map from child ID to what I'm really 
> wanting to aggregate - is that what you had in mind? - I think it would work!
> Give or take a problem I've discovered with persistence following a crash in 
> the middle of aggregation, which I'll post separately.
> Tim Ward
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Boyang Chen <>
> Sent: 09 August 2019 23:31
> To:
> Subject: Re: How do I tell Kafka Streams not to repartition?
> In case I'm not making myself clear, any operation that changes the record
> key will result in repartition. Since you don't want that, you shall choose
> to call groupByKey afterwards and aggregation will happen on `parent id`
> level.
> On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 3:27 PM Boyang Chen <>
> wrote:
>> Hey Tim,
>> I think the functionality you need is groupByKey() which avoids
>> repartitioning, feel free to check it out here:
>> Recommend you to read the whole thing but feel free just to search
>> `groupByKey`.
>> On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 7:14 AM Tim Ward <>
>> wrote:
>>> I've got an input topic which is keyed by "parent ID". Each message
>>> contains multiple items of data, each for a different "child ID".
>>> To process these items separately I flatMapValues() the stream to make a
>>> new stream of the inner items of data, keyed by "child ID".
>>> Now, because I've changed the key, Kafka Streams thinks a repartition is
>>> needed. But in fact it isn't, because all the inner items for a particular
>>> "child ID" will be contained within messages keyed with the same "parent
>>> ID".
>>> How do I tell Kafka Streams that there is no need to repartition in this
>>> case, because all the data that should remain together in the same instance
>>> of the application will do so without repartitioning? (I appreciate that
>>> Streams can't know about the parent-child relationship unless I *do* tell
>>> it in some way.)
>>> Tim Ward
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