I can arrange for there to be a topic which creates a GlobalKTable which 
satisfies one of the lookup needs for my Streams application. Basically this is 
keyed on "widget ID" and the value includes a "foobar ID". So this lets me do a 
join on "widget ID" and find out the "foobar ID", and that works fine.

**BUT** at some points in my application I also need to do a lookup the other 
way around, from "foobar ID" to "widget ID" (yes, this will produce multiple 
values, but given the application "multiple" is usually one and is unlikely 
ever to be more than a handful).

If I could get a changelog stream off the GlobalKTable I could use this to 
create and maintain a new table which does lookups the other way, but I can't 
see any way of getting a stream off the GlobalKTable?

I could, I suppose, do either of

(1) Arrange for the source of the input topic to create two topics, with the 
data keyed appropriately, and create two GlobalKTables from the two topics. But 
this is very clunky, as it requires the other application to have to know about 
and supply this application's internal data structure needs.

(2) Build a separate topology reading from the original topic, restructuring 
the data as needed, and building a state store. But how do I ensure that this 
topology will re-read the (compacted) input topic from the start every time? 
(I'm assuming StreamsBuilder.GlobalTable() knows how to do this, but I don't 
know how to do this if using StreamsBuilder.stream().)

What am I missing please?

Tim Ward

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