Hi, I am using Kafka connect cluster for writing data to S3. I have observed, whenever I add a new connector or update the config of an existing connector, I think group balancing is happening and it is affecting all the existing connectors. Rebalancing is happening for all of the existing connectors also. All of my log files are filled with the following log messages
*[2019-08-03 08:28:28,668] INFO [Consumer clientId=connector-consumer-xxx, groupId=connect-xxx] (Re-)joining group (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator:505)* This rebalancing is taking a very long time, and sometimes not evening completing. Any pointers on this? I am using Kafka connect *2.3.0, *and this version supports incremental rebalancing and it should not affect existing connectors. Am I missing something? I have already tuned *session.timeout.ms <http://session.timeout.ms>* and *max.poll.interval.ms <http://max.poll.interval.ms>* configs and increased their values as suggested in the community. Thanks & Regards Kamesh.