MG>definitely implement 3.5 ZK+ as suggested

From: Nayak, Soumya R. <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:41 AM
To: <>
Subject: TLS Communication in With Zookeeper Cluster

Thanks Harsha for the link.

As I am using a zookeeper cluster.
In the below link there is a mention that no SSL support is there between 
zookeeper servers. (Any future version that would have this feature)

MG>JavaDeveloper claims affirmative *if* you configure SSL on SOLR nodes
Step 6: Configure Solr properties in zookeeper

Before you start any SolrCloud nodes, you must configure your solr cluster 
properties in ZooKeeper, so that Solr nodes know to communicate via SSL.The 
urlScheme cluster-wide property needs to be set to https before any Solr node 
starts up.Use below command:

  1.  server\scripts\cloud-scripts\zkcli.bat -zkhost localhost:2181 -cmd 
clusterprop -name urlScheme -val https

So is it that the zookeeper servers will talk to each other on the ClientPort - 
2181 and the kafka brokers will talk to these zookeeper servers over SSL on the 
secureClientPort - 2281.

MG>cwiki claims affirmative *if* you enable SSL thru ZK Netty Connector
Java system property

In order to do secure communication on client, set this property:

Java system property

Note that with "secure" property set the client could and should only connect 
to server’s “secureClientPort” which will be described shortly.

Then set up keystore and truststore environment by setting the following 

Java system property


Please confirm if its correct or anything I am missing.

MG>the unasked question is can ZK(SOLR) Cluster operate with Netty connectors 
implementing SSL to ZK(SOLR)client(s)
MG>answer ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Harsha <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: TLS Communication in With Zookeeper Cluster

Here is the guide
you need zookeeper 3.5 or higher for TLS.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019, at 1:21 AM, Nayak, Soumya R. wrote:
> Hi Team,
> Is there any way  mutual TLS communication set up can be done with
> zookeeper. If any references, can you please let me know.
> I am trying to set up a Zookeeper cluster (3 Zookeepers) and Kafka
> cluster (4 Kafka Brokers) using docker images in Azure Ubuntu VM
> servers.
> Also, there is a new protocol of RAFT-ETCD . How is it when compared
> to Kafka Zookeeper set up?
> Regards,
> Soumya
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