If I recall correctly, you can set 'delete.retention.ms' in the topic level
configuration to how long you want to retain the tombstones in the topic.
By default is set to 86400000, you can set it to lower than this. Regarding
the performance, I am not really why would compaction causes the
performance hit to your broker, but the question would be how much data you
hold there, how often you have updates to your topic (records with the same
key) and how often you have tombstones for records

On Wed, 17 Jul 2019 at 22:12, Chris Baumgartner <
chris.baumgart...@fujifilm.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm wondering if anyone has advice on configuring compaction. Here is my
> scenario:
> A producer writes raw data to topic #1. A stream app reads the data from
> topic #1, processes it, writes the processed data to topic #2, and then
> writes a tombstone record to topic #1.
> So, I don't intend for data to be retained very long in topic #1.
> Are there any best practices for configuring compaction on topic #1 in this
> case? I don't want to keep the data around very long after it has been
> processed, but I also don't want to cause performance issues by compacting
> too often.
> Thanks.
> - Chris
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