Can you share your broker and topic config here?

> On Jul 17, 2019, at 10:09 AM, Sachin Nikumbh <> 
> wrote:
> Thanks for the quick response, Tom.
> I should have mentioned in my original post that I am always using 
> --from-beginning with my console consumer. Even then  I don't get any data. 
> And as mentioned, the .log files are of size 0 bytes.
>    On Wednesday, July 17, 2019, 11:09:22 AM EDT, Thomas Aley 
> <> wrote:  
> Hi Sachin,
> Try adding --from-beginning to your console consumer to view the 
> historically produced data. By default the console consumer starts from 
> the last offset.
> Tom Aley
> From:  Sachin Nikumbh <>
> To:    Kafka Users <>
> Date:  17/07/2019 16:01
> Subject:        [EXTERNAL] Kafka logs are getting deleted too soon
> Hi all,
> I have ~ 96GB of data in files that I am trying to get into a Kafka 
> cluster. I have ~ 11000 keys for the data and I have created 15 partitions 
> for my topic. While my producer is dumping data in Kafka, I have a console 
> consumer that shows me that kafka is getting the data. The producer runs 
> for a few hours before it is done. However, at this point, when I run the 
> console consumer, it does not fetch any data. If I look at the logs 
> directory, .log files for all the partitions are of 0 byte size. 
> If I am not wrong, the default value for log.retention.bytes is -1 which 
> means there is no size limit for the logs/partition. I do want to make 
> sure that the value for this setting is per partition. Given that the 
> default time based retention is 7 days, I am failing to understand why the 
> logs are getting deleted. The other thing that confuses me is that when I 
> use, it shows me large enough values for all 
> the 15 partitions for offsets.
> Can someone please help me understand why I don't see logs and why 
> is making me believe there is data.
> ThanksSachin
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