ii) If you want to move data in-house that in a DB (let's say a rational DB
like MySql ..etc), I strongly advise you to look at https://debezium.io/ which
is a CDC (Change Data Capture) Kafka Connect plugin which records DDL
events from your DB and propagate them directly to Kafka, if you have a
Kafka setup on a cloud, you can directly propagate the events to your kafka
instance on cloud or you can have a Kafka instance in-house and mirror the
data to your Kafka oncloud instance

On Tue, 16 Jul 2019 at 15:52, Harry k <habka...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> i)To upgrade to latest version of kafka from cluster  to  cloud(how will
> you upgrade).Any documents
> ii)How will you move the data from cluster we use sql database into cloud
> iii) Is same connectivity available in cloud for same systems.Which servers
> is taking to whom
> Thanks
  • Doubts Harry k
    • Re: Doubts Omar Al-Safi

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