Hi Elliot,

As you are moving the topic from one cluster to another, I assume it
implies a new zookeeper ensemble plus sets of new brokers?

Can you describe the current topic?

${KAFKA_HOME}/bin/kafka-topics.sh --describe --zookeeper <HOST:PORT>,
<HOST:PORT>,  --topic <TOPIC>


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

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On Thu, 11 Jul 2019 at 09:50, Elliot West <tea...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I like to understand what strategies can be applied to migrate events,
> producers, and consumers from one topic to another. Typically I'm thinking
> of cases where:
>    - we wish to migrate a topic from one cluster to another
>    - high availability - minimise amount of time topic is unavailable to
>    producers/consumers
>    - no data loss (at least once)
>    - avoid excessive latency (keep events flowing - no 'stopping the
> world')
>    - preserve event ordering wrt to partitions
>    - there is a significant retention interval (days) that we wish to move
>    to the destination topic also
> I can imagine that tools such as MM1+2, Replicator, etc. are useful in
> these circumstances. However, I'm more interested in orchestration
> patterns: what things need to be moved, in what order, and subject to what
> conditions?
> Thanks for your time,
> Elliot.

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