Hi Steve,

Have you tried setting "default.api.timeout.ms" to something lower in your
consumer configuration? It'll then throw that exception earlier.

Kind regards,

Liam Clarke

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 3:01 AM Gorman, Steve A.
<stephen.a.gor...@leidos.com.invalid> wrote:

> I have a springboot microservice that listens to a couple of topics. When
> the microservice starts up I would like to quickly (5->10 seconds)
> determine if a kafka broker is unavailable. I am able to see this work with
> a kafka console consumer but am having a hard time getting Java
> (spring-kafka) to reproduce the speedy turnaround. With java, Kafka seems
> to be honoring a 60000 ms TimeoutException.
> Is there a way I can quickly determine a successful connection?
> Thank you.

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