
From: Simon Calvin <>
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2019 3:39 PM
Subject: First time building a streaming app and I need help understanding how 
to build out my use case

Hello, everyone. I feel like I have a use case that it is well suited to the 
Kafka streaming paradigm, but I'm having a difficult time understanding how 
certain aspects will work as I'm prototyping.

So here's my use case: Service 1 assigns a job to a user which is published as 
an event to Kafka. Service 2 is a domain service that owns the definition for 
all jobs. In this case, the definition boils down to a bunch of form fields 
that need to be filled in. As changes are made to the definitions, the updated 
versions are published by Service 2 to Kafka (I think this is a KTable?). The 
job from Service 1 and the definition from Service 2 get joined together to 
create a "bill of materials" that the user needs to fulfill.
 Service 3, a REST API,

MG>can you risk implementing a non-secured HTTP connection?... then go ahead
MG>if not you will need to look into some manner of PKI implementation for your 
Kafka Streams (user_login or certs&keys)

needs to pull any unfulfilled bills for a given user. Ideally we want the bill 
to contain the most current version of the job definition at the point it is 
retrieved (vs the version at the point that the job assignment was published). 
Then, as the user fulfills the items, we update the bill with their responses. 
Once the bill is complete it gets pushed on to the one or more additional 
services (all basic consumers).

MG>for Ktable stream example please reference 
org.apache.kafka.streams.smoketest.SmokeTestClient createKafkaStreams

The part I'm having the most trouble with is the retrieval of bills for a user 
in Service 3. I got this idea in my head that because Kafka is effectively a 
storage system there was a(n at least fairly) straightforward way of querying 
out messages that were keyed/tagged a certain way (i.e., with the user ID), but 
it's not clear to me if and how that works in practice. I'm very new to the 
idea of streaming and so I think a lot of the issue is that I'm trying to force 
foreign concepts (the non-streaming way I'm used to doing things) in to the 
streaming paradigm. Any help is appreciated!

MG>assuming your ID is *NOT* generated for your table
MG>if implementing HTTPS request/response you might want to consider using 
identifier of unique secured SESSION_ID
How is the session ID sent securely? - Stack 
Answer 1: if the server uses SSL/HTTPS(verified by third party-not self-signed 
certificate), cookies and session IDs travel as cipher-text over the network, 
and if an attacker (Man in the Middle) uses a packet sniffer, they can not 
obtain any information. They can not decrypt data because the connection 
between client and server is secured by a verified third HTTPS without 
verified ...

Thanks very much for your kind attention!

Simon Calvin

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