Sorry about that - this is definitely the wrong list. I meant to send that
to the apache beam list.

Ladder <>. The smart, modern way to insure your life.

On Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 12:44 PM Mike Kaplinskiy <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I’m using a Kafka source with a lot of watermark skew (i.e. new partitions
> were added to the topic over time). The sink is a
> FileIO.Write().withNumShards(1) to get ~ 1 file per day & an early trigger
> to write at most 40,000 records per file. Unfortunately it looks like
> there's 1 thread trying to write files for all the various days, instead of
> writing multiple days' files in parallel. Is there anything I could do here
> to parallelize the process? All of this is with the Flink runner.
> Mike.
> Ladder <>. The smart, modern way to insure your life.

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