Hi all, This is the first candidate for the release of Apache Kafka 2.3.0.
This release includes many new features, including: * Support for incremental cooperative rebalancing * An in-memory session store and window store for Kafka Streams * An API for allowing users to determine what operations they are authorized to perform on topics. * A new broker start time metric. * The ability for JMXTool to connect to secured RMI ports. * A new and improved API for setting topic and broker configurations. * Support for non-key joining in KTable. * The ability to track the number of partitions which are under their min ISR count. * The ability for consumers to opt out of automatic topic creation, even when it is enabled on the broker. * The ability to use external configuration stores. * Improved replica fetcher behavior when errors are encountered. Check out the release notes for the 2.3.0 release here: https://home.apache.org/~cmccabe/kafka-2.3.0-rc1/RELEASE_NOTES.html The vote will go until Friday, June 7th, or until we create another RC. * Kafka's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release can be found here: https://kafka.apache.org/KEYS * The release artifacts to be voted upon (source and binary) are here: https://home.apache.org/~cmccabe/kafka-2.3.0-rc1/ * Maven artifacts to be voted upon: https://repository.apache.org/content/groups/staging/org/apache/kafka/ * Javadoc: https://home.apache.org/~cmccabe/kafka-2.3.0-rc1/javadoc/ * The tag to be voted upon (off the 2.3 branch) is the 2.3.0 tag: https://github.com/apache/kafka/releases/tag/2.3.0-rc1 thanks, Colin