Hi Team,

I was trying to leverage some enhancements in Kafka connect in 2.0.0
release as specified by this KIP
I came across this good blog post by Robin

Here are my questions


   I have set errors.tolerance=all in my connector config. If I understand
   correctly, it will not fail for bad records and move forward. Is my
   understanding correct? In my case, the consumer doesn't fail and stays in
   the RUNNING state (which is expected) but the consumer offsets don't
   move forward for the paritions with the bad records. Any guess why this may
   be happening?

   I have set errors.log.include.messages and errors.log.enable to true for
   my connector but I don't see any additional logging for the failed records.
   The logs are similar to what I used to see before enabling these
   properties. I didn't see any message like this

Some Context: In my connector, I do some transformations, validations for
every record and if any of these fail, I throw RetriableException. Earlier
I was throwing RuntimeException but I changed to RetriableException
reading the comments for RetryWithToleranceOperator

I have tried to keep it bried but let me know if any additional context is

Thanks so much in advance!

*Abhijay Patne,*
Mobile: (+1)-312-937-4611
Please!! Think about Environment before you print.

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