Thanks for clarification. The KIP you posted is a great piece of information 😊


-----Original Message-----
From: Kamal Chandraprakash [mailto:kamal.chandraprak...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2019 3:50 PM
To: users@kafka.apache.org
Subject: Re: Kafka upgrade process details

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In Kafka v2.1.0, the OffsetCommit Request/Response schema version is changed to 
v4 for the *__consumer_offsets* topic.
If you upgrade Kafka to v2.1.0 & higher and changed the inter.broker.protocol 
version to 2.1, then you cannot revert back to older versions as it doesn't 
know how to read the *__consumer_offsets *topic with the latest offset message 

Indeed, if you want to revert back to the older versions, you have to delete 
the* __consumer_offsets* topic. Note: Once that topic is deleted, all your 
consumer groups will start to read from the latest/earliest available message 
as per your `auto.offset.reset` configuration. Please correct me if I am wrong.


Note: The `__consumer_offsets` topic is read by the broker after each restart 
to load the last commited offset of the consumer groups.
So, once you change the `inter.broker.protocol.version` to 2.1 the OffsetCommit 
schema version changes to v4.

On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 4:21 PM Chylek, Artur <artur.chy...@sabre.com> wrote:

> Thanks for prompt response.
> I am not sure I understand correctly, but I am still confused why 
> switching inter.broker.protocol.version in the last step would make 
> the process irreversible.
> If we agree that log conversion to a new format is applied when a new 
> value of log.message.format.version or broker's default one is applied 
> then according to documentation switching back to old version of 
> broker will make no harm. So either a broker is able to read a newer 
> versions of log and dismiss parts he doesn’t understand or the 
> conversion itself occurs only at certain combination of 
> inter.broker.protocol.version and log.message.format.version. Or maybe 
> I am completely wrong with my assumptions.
> Regards,
> Artur
> -----Original Message-----
> From: M. Manna [mailto:manme...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2019 12:19 PM
> To: Kafka Users <users@kafka.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: Kafka upgrade process details
> Sabre Email Notification: This email is from an EXTERNAL source. 
> Please use caution when clicking on links or opening attachments from 
> an unknown or suspicious sender.To report a suspected phishing email, browse 
> to:
> help.sabre.com > Risk & Security > Report a Security Issue
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Artur,
> The upgrade process is such that
> 1) You ensure that there is a hard-check on protocol version if not 
> exists
> already. As you have already mentioned above, in #3 - it's to ensure 
> that
> min verson for msg formats are being adhered to before upgrade.
> 2) broker protocol version is to ensure that when you do rolling 
> upgrade
> there is a minimum compatibility between inter-broker comms (if that 
> makes
> sense).
> API versions are there for a specific reason (to ensure compatbility 
> is
> maintained first before the protocol/msg formats are fixed). Also, it
> ensures that a regular upgrade (e.g. from bugfix->major release) 
> happens
> seamlessly via rolling restart. If you want to get techincal about it, 
> you
> can look at kafka Table load and config load in github codebase.
> Once you've initiated a rolling restart by setting
> inter.broker.protocl.version and log.messge.format.version there is no 
> way
> back - but i am happy to be proven wrong as I have only done rolling
> restart successfully (never needed to go back :) )
> On Thu, 9 May 2019 at 09:54, Chylek, Artur <artur.chy...@sabre.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I read the documentation about upgrading Kafka(
> >
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__kafka.apache.org_2
> 1_documentation.html-23upgrade-5F2-5F1-5F0&d=DwIBaQ&c=FXJfUb1oWgygD0uN
> z-ujnA&r=bVI5M04li2b_AW9E6XWAZb5H4NuzOzdzPeKTA_sjdMg&m=3g5HRSTfPHijn_j
> hhzYIB88jScofj68jB1AmrcMPBC0&s=qiYRoeea_IxCjRGx1Vi7ylwk2vuCiYGGoPhhGYm
> iwos&e=)
> but I have
> > questions that I believe the documentation doesn't cover. I am 
> > planning
> to
> > upgrade Kafka from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 and would like to make sure what 
> > to do
> > when something goes wrong - I am mostly interested in reverting back 
> > to
> the
> > older version. I admit that I am confused about API versions, log 
> > message
> > versions and inter broker protocol versions.
> >
> > According to the documentation these are the steps I need to follow:
> >
> >   1.  Set inter.broker.protocol.version to 2.0.0
> >   2.  I don't have currently log.message.format.version set to 
> > 2.0.0, so
> > according to documentation I don't need to specify it
> >   3.  Upgrade broker code and restart it. This is I am not sure what
> > happens next. Since I don't have log.message.format.version set then
> > broker's default value will be used - I guess 2.1.1. Does it mean that:
> >      *   New messages that arrive from producers will be saved in a log
> > file with a new format?
> >      *   Old messages that already exist in log files will be converted
> to
> > the new format once the broker starts?
> >      *   Does inter.broker.protocol.version has anything to do with
> > log.message.format.version?
> > I guess a) and b) are not true since according to the documentation 
> > up to
> > this point I can revert back to the older version of Kafka. Could 
> > you
> > confirm?
> >
> >   1.  Change inter.broker.protocol.version to 2.1.1 and restart 
> > brokers -
> > after this is done reverting back is not possible. Could you explain 
> > what
> > is happening in Kafka so that reverting cannot be done?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Artur
> >

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