> On May 10, 2019, at 8:26 AM, ASHOK MACHERLA <iash...@outlook.com> wrote: > > Dear Team > > In our project, for SMS/Email purpose we are using Kafka cluster and > Real-time Notification which is our custom application. > > We are sending to messages from Kafka to Real-time Notification, and then > SMTP Gateway servers. > > Our problem is ,sometimes customers are getting same email for multiple times. > During this time consumer is goes to Rebalancing mode. > > How to overcome this, > Right now, we have 10 partitions for Kafka topic and 10 consumers. > > Can you please suggest us to fix this one. > > If you required any information/logs, I’ll share to you .
Are you using automatic or async commits versus sync (commitSync); meaning you’d have some processed messages during this time. Now, it is possible that every now and then even considering that you could have this issue; let’s say you have some network issues and can’t commit after you have sent an email, but the other scenarios are more likely I believe. At this link see the section “Offsets and Consumer Position”. Wade ======================= Wade Chandler e: cons...@wadechandler.com t: @wadechandler https://www.linkedin.com/in/wade-chandler