Thanks for the explanation.  Is there any way to replicate the
block.on.buffer.full=false behaviour on Kafka 2.x or was the option
completely eliminated in every form?


On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 10:18 AM 星月夜 <> wrote:

> hi,
> you cannot set to 0 because the is the max time
> producer.send()and partitionsfor() will block. This block time contains
> metadata fetch time, buffer full block time, serilization time and
> partitioning time, not just buffer full block time. You should set it to a
> considerate value.
> From: "Justin Borromeo"<>
> Date: Sat, Mar 16, 2019 04:08 AM
> To: "users"<>;
> Subject: Preventing blocking upon producer buffer full in Kafka 2.1
> Hi all,
> I was wondering how I could prevent blocking when using KafkaProducer to
> send records with a full buffer.  I noticed from the v0.9 docs that there
> was a block.on.buffer.full config that could be set to false to achieve
> that behaviour...however, that was deprecated and is unavailable in v2.1.
> Would setting to 0 behave the same?  If not, what's the best
> way to do so?
> Thanks,
> Justin Borromeo

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