Hi, I have a 2-node Kafka cluster. When I create a new topic it preallocates about 21MB for each partition: 10M /data/1-0/00000000000000000000.index 0 /data/1-0/00000000000000000000.log 10M /data/1-0/00000000000000000000.timeindex 4.0K /data/1-0/leader-epoch-checkpoint
And because I have many topics with 24 partitions each, about 7GB will be preallocated. That behavior is because of property *segment.index.bytes, *but in the document, it is written that We preallocate this index file and shrink it only after log rolls. But my question is when exactly Kafka will shrink the preallocated space? As I have another standalone Kafka it also preallocates 21MB for each partition but after a few days the indices preallocated space was freed and now only 4KB space is allocated, but in 2-nodes Kafka cluster after about 2 weeks it's preallocated 7GB for each empty topic. Why?