Dear Kafka creators,

First of all I would like to thank you for your great product.
I have a question relating to the Kafka stores and I will be really
appreciate if you find a minute to answer.

According to javadoc of ReadOnlyKeyValueStore#range(K from, K to) method:

> Get an iterator over a given range of keys. This iterator must be closed
> after use. The returned iterator must be safe from
> ConcurrentModificationExceptions and must not return null values. *No
> ordering guarantees are provided*

I'm using *KeyValueStore<Long, String>* obtained from *GlobalKTable* via
*ProcessorContext* in my transformer and iterator retrieved using *range*
method always provides entries ordered by key (Long) even if records were
inserted randomly. In which cases this order may be violated?

With best Regards,
*Yurii Demchenko*
*cell:* +380 63 873-83-83

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