
What version of Kafka are you using?


On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 8:32 PM Ankur Rana <ankur.r...@getfareye.com> wrote:

> Any comments anyone?
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 6:08 PM Ankur Rana <ankur.r...@getfareye.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> We have a Kafka cluster with 5 brokers with all topics having at least 2
>> replication factor. We have multiple Kafka consumers applications running
>> on this cluster. Most of these consumers are build using consumer APIs and
>> quite recently we have started using Stream applications.
>> We are facing a really weird issue. Just Sometimes it happens that our
>> Kafka cluster breaks down, By breaking down I mean that consumers and
>> producers start throwing disconnection exception and all of them just stop.
>> We use debezium connector to push Postgres events to Kafka topics.
>> Debezium throws the error below:
>> [image: image.png]
>> Kafka broker throws the error below:
>> [image: image.png]
>> Error on the consumer side :
>> [image: image.png]
>> In order to fix, I stop the disconnected broker and everything fixes
>> itself. Debezium starts flushing messages and all consumers start working
>> normally.  I bring the disconnected broker up and everything works as
>> before without any problem.
>> I don't understand a few things here :
>>    1. what could be the reason behind this disconnection exception. Even
>>    if one of the broker was somehow disconnected, Isn't kafka suppose to
>>    handle it in a cluster where all topics have a replication factor of 2.
>>    2. It appears that the malfunctioning broker was in a state where it
>>    was neither disconnected nor connected to the cluster. I could still see
>>    the broker visible in Kafka manager with zero bytes In, while it was
>>    disconnected from all the producers and consumers.
>>    3. Weirdly, I have noticed that this situation usually occurs when I
>>    start the multiple consumers of the stream application. Not sure about 
>> this
>>    as this error has only occurred a few times. It happened twice today and
>>    both the times I started 3 consumers of the same stream application.
>> Can anyone help me debug this problem. I don't know where to look for
>> possible issues with our cluster or stream application. I am attaching
>> streams config and stream application code for your reference.
>> Please feel free to ask for any more details.
>> Stream config :
>> [image: image.png]
>> Stream application code : https://codeshare.io/Gq6pLB
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Ankur Rana
>> Software Developer
>> FarEye
> --
> Thanks,
> Ankur Rana
> Software Developer
> FarEye

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