Hello dear Kafka community,

We are planning to build a Kafka Streams application that will build a pretty 
big state (~100Gb) in real time from various sources.

We later on need to query this state as fast as possible, and the main idea is 
to use the built-in in-memory RockDB and get the data via,
some sort of REST API we will build on top. The question is how do we identify 
where the data we need is, since the state will obviously
not fit in the memory of a single instance and we need to scale somehow in case 
this state keeps growing, and it will…

Is there a way to identify where the data we care about resides, on what kafka 
streams app instance ?

I tried to find the answer in the documentation, but was not able to figure it 
our unfortunately.

Thank you in advance !

Andrian Jardan
Infrastructure and DevOps expert
cell: +49 174 2815994
Skype: macrosdnb

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