Hi Taylor
You are right, the parallel processing is not mentioned in this issue, if I 
remember correctly it was in the thread that lead to it as a possibility when 
changing to the restoration listeners.
Best regards

> Am 07.02.2019 um 00:47 schrieb Taylor P <tdp002...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Patrik,
> I am not sure that https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-7380 will
> resolve this issue since our application is dependent on the global store
> being fully restored before the application can be considered healthy. It
> does not seem like KAFKA-7380 is aiming to address the nature of global
> stores restoring each partition sequentially - it is aiming to change the
> blocking nature of #start(). Restoring the global store partitions in
> parallel would definitely speed things up, though, and admittedly my first
> thought when debugging this was "why isn't this restoring each partition in
> parallel?".
> Changing our streams topology to avoid using a global store for such a
> large amount of data would be doable but it does seem like a significant
> amount of work. I am curious to know if anyone else is storing large
> amounts of data in global stores and whether there are any inherent
> limitations to the size of global stores.
> Our topic is already using compaction.
> Taylor
>> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 2:41 AM Patrik Kleindl <pklei...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Taylor
>> We are facing the same issue, although on a smaller scale.
>> The main problem as you found is that the restoration is running
>> sequentially, this should be addressed in
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-7380, although there has been
>> no progress lately.
>> On the other hand you could try re-evaluate if your problem can only be
>> solved with global state stores, in our case (both in streams as well as
>> for interactive queries) we could solve it with local state stores too,
>> although only with more changes and more complexity in the topology.
>> Not sure if it is applicable for your case, but have you looked into
>> compression for the topics?
>> best regards
>> Patrik
>>> On Tue, 5 Feb 2019 at 22:37, Taylor P <tdp002...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am having issues with the global store taking a very long time to
>> restore
>>> during startup of a Kafka Streams 2.0.1 application. The global store is
>>> backed by a RocksDB persistent store and is added to the Streams topology
>>> in the following manner: https://pastebin.com/raw/VJutDyYe The global
>>> store
>>> topic has approximately 15 million records per partition and 18
>> partitions.
>>> The following global consumer settings are specified:
>>>    poll.timeout.ms = 10
>>>    max.poll.records = 2000
>>>    max.partition.fetch.bytes = 1048576
>>>    fetch.max.bytes = 52428800
>>>    receive.buffer.bytes = 65536
>>> I have tried tweaking the settings above on the consumer side, such as
>>> increasing poll.timeout.ms to 2000, max.poll.records to 10000, and
>>> max.partition.fetch.bytes to 52428800, but it seems that I keep hitting a
>>> ceiling of restoring approximately 100,000 records per second. With 15
>>> million records per partition, it takes approximately 150 seconds to
>>> restore a single partition. With 18 partitions, it takes roughly 45
>> minutes
>>> to fully restore the global store.
>>> Switching from HDDs to SSDs on the brokers' log directories made
>>> restoration roughly 25% faster overall, but this still feels slow. It
>> seems
>>> that I am hitting IOPS limits on the disks and am not even close to
>> hitting
>>> the throughput limits of the disks on either the broker or streams
>>> application side.
>>> How can I minimize restoration time of a global store? Are there settings
>>> that can increase throughput with the same number of IOPS? Ideally
>>> restoration of each partition could be done in parallel but I recognize
>>> there is only a single global store thread. Bringing up a new instance of
>>> the Kafka Streams application occurs on a potentially daily basis, so the
>>> restoration time is becoming more and more of a hassle.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Taylor

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