We are using both and leaning towards a web service fronting Kafka because it 
gives us the ability to centralize other logic.   That said, I don't think the 
webservice will be much more "stable" and you'll need to consider what to do 
with your audit records if the web service call fails.


On 1/25/19, 12:07 AM, "Michael Eugene" <far...@hotmail.com> wrote:

    I don’t feel it would be a big hit in performance because Kafka works very 
fast. I think the speed difference would be negligible. Why are you worried 
about stability? I’m just curious because it doesn’t seem like it would be 
unstable, but maybe it would be a bit overkill for one app and some decoupling 
might make sense.

    Sent from my iPhone

    > On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:59 PM, Raghavendran Chellappa 
<raghavendra...@gmail.com> wrote:
    > Hi All,
    > We have a Spring based web app.
    > We are planning to build an 'Audit Tracking' feature and plan to use Kafka
    > - as a sink for storing Audit messages (which will then be consumed and
    > persisted to a common DB).
    > We are planning to build a simple, ‘pass-through’ REST service which will
    > take a JSON and push it into the appropriate Kafka topic.
    > This REST service will be called from various pages (from server side) in
    > the web app (during Create, View, Edit actions) to store the Audit 
    > My question is can we directly have Kafka Producers in the web app so that
    > we post messages to Kafka Topic directly (instead of going through a
    > Webservice)?
    > Will adding a Kafka Producer in web app will make the app less stable 
    > pages less performant)? This is one of the reasons why we want to hide the
    > Kafka producer complexity behind the webservice. Also we feel that this
    > webservice can be a starting point for a generic “Auditing service” that
    > can be used by other applications, in the enterprise, in the future.
    > I think the ‘pass-through’ webservice is not required and it is OK to push
    > messages directly from web app to Kafka (but unable to point to any
    > examples of this being done or any benefits of doing so).
    > What do you think?
    > Thanks,
    > Ragha

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