I'm running Kafka 1.1.1 and Zookeeper 3.4.6 in a cluster, both guarded by
Kerberos. My app stack includes a module containing topic configurations,
and my continuous integration build autodeploys changes to topics with
kafka-topics.sh and kafka-configs.sh.

When I try to use a non-superuser principal to authenticate in the scripts,
the topic metadata is created by kafka-topics.sh in Zookeeper in such a way
that Kafka cannot process it to create the actual topics in Kafka brokers -
partitions are not created in the broker. Also, running kafka-configs.sh to
alter configs of existing topics gets "NoAuth for /configs/<topicname>".

When I authenticate with the superuser principal "kafka" then everything
works fine. But making the "kafka" superuser credentials available in CI
context seems unsecure.

Is it possible to use kafka-topics.sh and kafka-configs.sh in a kerberized
environment with a non-superuser Kerberos principal and how can this be
made to happen?
Can you suggest an alternate solution to achieve CI for Kafka topics?

Best regards,
Kristjan Peil

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