Hi Ryanne,

I just forgot to insert the "linger.ms=0" configuration.

I got this result:

50000000 records sent, 706793.701055 records/sec (67.41 MB/sec), 7.29 ms avg latency, 1245.00 ms max latency, 0 ms 50th, 3 ms 95th, 197 ms 99th, 913 ms 99.9th.

it's pretty good but I would like to improve it just a bit.

Do you think using 6 partitions in a 3 broker cluster is a good choice?


On 08/01/2019 18:52, Ryanne Dolan wrote:
Latency sounds high to me, maybe your JVMs are GC'ing a lot?


On Tue, Jan 8, 2019, 11:45 AM Gioacchino Vino <gioacchinov...@gmail.com

Hi expert,

I would ask you some guidelines, web-pages or comments regarding my


- 2000+ producers

- input rate 600k messages/s

- consumers must write in 3 different databases (so i assume 3 consumer
groups) at 600k messages/s overall (200k messages/s/database)

- latency < 500ms between producers and databases

- good availability

- Possibility to process messages before to send them to the databases
(Kafka stream? Of course in HA. Docker? Marathon?)

- it's tolerate missing data ( 0.5% max ) (disk writing is not strictly
required), latency has higher priority

- record size: 100-1000


brokers ( Bandwidth: 25 Gbps, 32Cpus, 1 disk (I/O 99.0 MB/s)

producers -> brokers -> consumers ( Bandwidth: 1 Gbps )

*My* *configuration*:

3 brokers

6 partition (without replication in order to minimize latency)

ack = 0 (missing data is tolerate)

batch.size = 1024 (with 8196 the throughput is max)

producers -> compression.type=none

I did test using kafka-producer-perf-test.sh and
kafka-consumer-perf-test.sh and i have a good throughput (500-600k
messages/s using 3 producers and 3 consumers) but i would improve
latency (0.3-2 sec) or features I'm not still considering.

I thank you in advance.



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