 as otis have already shared this is accessible through the jmx metrics in
Apache Kafka.

You can find a comprehensive list from

at the end of the day you can pull this into any monitoring solution that
can pull from jmx, for example Jolokia+Elasticsearch or Prometheus.

-- Pere

On Wed, 19 Dec 2018, 01:45 Saravanan B <lookforsa...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi Team,
> We have few kafka clusters replicating & we would like to monitor the lag
> per topic on source, in mirror maker we have configured CONSUMER_GROUP_ID &
> replication is working fine.
> When i run "kafka-consumer-groups.sh  --list --bootstrap-server
> bootstrap.kafka:9092" , i dnt find the consumer group listed in the source
> kafka cluster.
> Please let me know how we can get the lag per topic using describe consumer
> group for mirror maker.
> Thanks a lot in advance

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