
No other dependency include kafka's jar.

The project structure is:


|---Module A


|---Module B

|---Module C

When spark-streaming-kafka_2.11:1.6.3 in in Module A's pom.xml, from 
dependency tree, we can see in depends on kafka_2.11:
When we move spark-streaming-kafka_2.11:1.6.3 dependency to the parent 
pom.xml, from tree, it depends on kafka_2.11:1.0.2

In whoel project, only one dependency about streaming-kafka, and no 
other dependency about kafka_2.11.

在 2018/12/18 上午10:16, Liam Clarke 写道:
> Hi,
> Is it a transitive dependency of any of your other dependencies?
> Cheers,
> Liam Clarke
> On Tue, 18 Dec. 2018, 2:57 pm big data <bigdatab...@outlook.com wrote:
>> Hi,
>>    our project includes this dependency by:
>> <dependency>    <groupId>org.apache.spark</groupId>    
>> <artifactId>spark-streaming-kafka_2.11</artifactId>    
>> <version>1.6.3</version></dependency>
>>  From dependency tree, we can see it dependency kafka_2.11: verson.
>> But when we move this dependency to project's parent pom file, the
>> dependency "kafka_2.11" version is changed automatically. Why?
>> You can see Kafka_2.11 version is changed to 1.0.2?  It's so strange, in
>> out project we DO NOT dependency this jar in other places.

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