You can enable exactly-once processing guarantees to guard against
inconsistent stores in fail over scenario.


On 11/30/18 12:57 AM, Yoshimo wrote:
> Hello Kafka users,
> I am currently building a Kafka Streams application and I am using a 
> transform step with two KeyValue stores, one containing the transformed 
> message and the second one some metadata about the message.
> In the transform step I first update the metadata store and then store the 
> message in the second store. My question is, is it possible to see an update 
> in the metada store without seeing the according transformation in the second 
> store when reading from the above stores during failover scenarios? If yes, 
> is there a way to update the two stores in a transactional way?
> Thank you,
> Yianns
> Sent with [ProtonMail]( Secure Email.

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