Thanks for the reply.
It would be interesting who else is using IQ with or without GlobalKTables and 
what problems and solutions they have come up with.
Best regards

> Am 18.11.2018 um 20:21 schrieb Matthias J. Sax <>:
> Because each instance needs to consume all data, it's limited by what a
> single instance can consume -- a hard bound is the network. Note,
> network is shared, so don't take the maximum network speed into account.
> Also, it's not the number of unique messaged, but the number of updates
> that is important for this.
>> Just to verify, for this IQ setup (streams app which only builds a single
>> table to be queried) we have tried the alternative approach to use a normal
>> KTable in combination with a unique application ID per application instance.
>> This seemed to work quite well, including faster (parallel) startup etc.
>> Is this approach valid or would you expect some pitfalls?
> I guess, for your use case, this might be ok. There is one difference on
> startup: if there is no local state build up, in the GlobalKTable case,
> before you can start querying, the GlobalKTable will be fully populated
> from the topic. For the KTable case, you can query from the very
> beginning on, while data is put into the table.
> Also, for this approach, if you add other processing, this processing
> would not be parallelized but duplicated.
> -Matthias
>> On 11/7/18 1:32 AM, Patrik Kleindl wrote:
>> Thanks for the response.
>> How "low" is the expected low throughput? We are are using GlobalKTables
>> for IQ on several Topics, but with single-digit million unique messages and
>> usually fewer changes per day.
>> Just to verify, for this IQ setup (streams app which only builds a single
>> table to be queried) we have tried the alternative approach to use a normal
>> KTable in combination with a unique application ID per application instance.
>> This seemed to work quite well, including faster (parallel) startup etc.
>> Is this approach valid or would you expect some pitfalls?
>> We have not used this approach more because it doesn't not work for global
>> stores inside a streams application, but it might be beneficial to split
>> that up again.
>> best regards
>> Patrik
>>> On Tue, 6 Nov 2018 at 20:07, Matthias J. Sax <> wrote:
>>> The topics of global stores are not included by design.
>>> The "problem" is, that each instance needs to consume *all*
>>> topic-partitions from and thus topis, we thus they cannot be include
>>> into the consumer group that would assign each partition to exactly one
>>> instance. Hence, an additional consumer is used that uses partition
>>> assignment (instead of subscription) and this consumer does not commit
>>> any offset to Kafka.
>>> Note that global stores are bootstrapped before processing begins
>>> though, and are expected to be low throughput topic anyway.
>>> -Matthias
>>>> On 11/6/18 2:03 AM, Patrik Kleindl wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> Am I doing something wrong or is it by design that global state stores
>>> and
>>>> their consumers do not show up under the consumer-groups?
>>>> With the consumer group command (and in control center as well) I don't
>>> get
>>>> any output for the group:
>>>> ./kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server broker:9092 --group somegroup
>>>> --describe
>>>> Note: This will not show information about old Zookeeper-based consumers.
>>>> If I query for the state I get a response that members are present:
>>>> ./kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server broker:9092 --group somegroup
>>>> --describe --state
>>>> Note: This will not show information about old Zookeeper-based consumers.
>>>> STATE                #MEMBERS
>>>> broker:9092 (1) stream                    Stable               2
>>>> This is quite irritating as we cannot see if a global state store has
>>>> caught up with a backlog of messages.
>>>> Code to reproduce:
>>>>        builder.globalTable(TOPIC_NAME, Materialized
>>>>                .<String, String, KeyValueStore<Bytes,
>>> byte[]>>as(STORENAME)
>>>>                .withKeySerde(Serdes.String())
>>>>                .withValueSerde(Serdes.String()));
>>>> Nothing fancy.
>>>> Logs:
>>>> 2018-11-05 21:25:56 INFO  AbstractCoordinator:442 - (Re-)joining group
>>>> 2018-11-05 21:25:56 INFO  StreamPartitionAssignor:481 - Assigned tasks to
>>>> clients as {e0250aa5-e1c6-4d33-a746-bc9357c66965=[activeTasks: ([])
>>>> standbyTasks: ([]) assignedTasks: ([]) prevActiveTasks: ([])
>>>> prevAssignedTasks: ([]) capacity: 1]}.
>>>> 2018-11-05 21:25:56 WARN  ConsumerCoordinator:376 - The following
>>>> subscribed topics are not assigned to any members: [storetopic]
>>>> 2018-11-05 21:25:56 INFO  AbstractCoordinator:409 - Successfully joined
>>>> group with generation 3
>>>> 2018-11-05 21:25:56 INFO  ConsumerCoordinator:256 - Setting newly
>>> assigned
>>>> partitions []
>>>> The store works after this, but it is not shown.
>>>> Any input is appreciated
>>>> best regards
>>>> Patrik
>>>> PS: The customer will forward this to the Confluent support too, but I'm
>>>> asking here for public visibility

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