What I mean by internal services, is our own company has a number of producers 
and consumers, and I do not want these “applications” to use SSL/ACL as they 
are already trusted and inside our network
External is any 3;rd party system that we bring in to do “whatever”

On 2018-09-27, 10:22, "M. Manna" <manme...@gmail.com> wrote:

    There is a good tutorial written by Ismael Juma on SSL/ACL/SASL etc. setup
    if I get this right, you are trying to do the following:
    1) "Internal Services" - mean inter-broker exchanges?
    2) "3rd Party applications" - means "Clients" trying to connect to Kafka
    On Thu, 27 Sep 2018 at 09:09, Tobias Eriksson <tobias.eriks...@qvantel.com>
    > We have Kafka v1.1.0
    > Is there a really good tutorial somewhere on how to set up security with
    > SSL and ACL
    > I would like to have ONE cluster, where
    > * Our internal services does not have to use SSL / ACL
    > * The 3;rd party applications HAVE TO use SSL / ACL
    > is this possible ?
    > -Tobias
    > --
    > Tobias Eriksson
    > Chief Architect Research – CTO Office
    > Qvantel Sweden AB
    > Tel; +46 768 832453
    > e-mail; tobias.eriks...@qvantel.com<mailto:tobias.eriks...@qvantel.com>

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