You need to do a partition reassignment to increase or decrease the
replication factor. It's tediously manual, but it's just json so it's
trivial to manipulate which is probably why it's still tediously manual.

There's a guide here although it's ageing a little:
and here:

You can use some built in tooling to help:

Create a topics.json file:

  [{"topic": "__consumer_offsets"}],

Assuming you currently have brokers 1,2,3,4 and you want to end up with 1,2:

bin/ --zookeeper your_zk_string --generate
--topics-to-move-json-file topics.json --generate --broker-list 1,2,3

>From that you want to remove broker 3 from the reassignment proposal,
turning the 3 element array into 2.  If you're on a newer version of kafka
you also get log_dirs array in the output. For me that's always "any" so I
just take it out. If they're different for you you'll have more work to do.
If you don't want to edit it manually you could use some jq:

bin/ --zookeeper your_zk_string --generate
--topics-to-move-json-file topics.json --generate --broker-list 1,2,3 | sed
-e '1,/Proposed/d' | jq 'del(.partitions[].replicas[] | select(. == 3)) |
del(.partitions[].log_dirs)' > reassignment.json

If you're happy with the reassignment file then execute it, running with
--verify instead of --execute to see when it's done.

bin/ --zookeeper
your_zk_string --reassignment-json-file reassignment.json --execute

And then double check with:

bin/ --zookeeper your_zk_string --describe --topic

On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 9:34 AM Dylan Martin <>

> I have a cluster with 4 brokers and I want to reduce it to 2 brokers.  I
> cannot re-assign __consumer_offsets because it wants at least 3 brokers.
> Is there a way to do this?  Or am I going to have to trash my cluster and
> start over?
> -Dylan
> (206) 855-9740 - Home
> (206) 235-8809 - Cell
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