      Which Kafka version and Java version are you using? Did you try this with 
Java 9 which has 2.5x perf improvements over Java 8 for SSL? Can you try using 
a slightly weaker cipher suite to improve the performance?


On Wed, Aug 22, 2018, at 1:11 PM, Sri Harsha Chavali wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> We are trying to secure the Kafka-Cluster in order to enforce topic 
> level security based on sentry roles. We are seeing a big performance 
> impact after SSL_SASL is enabled. I read multiple blog posts describing 
> the performance impact but that also said that the impact would be 
> negligible, but I see a significant hit in my case (60-85%). Could 
> someone please suggest if you have seen this kind of performance impact 
> and what is done to overcome the same? We cannot afford to have an 
> unsecure cluster.
> In the below example, I'm trying to produce a record of size 1200 bytes 
> and set the batch.size property to 100000.
> Before Securityis Enabled:
> kafka-producer-perf-test --topic myPerformanceTestTopic --num-records 
> 1000000 --print-metrics --record-size 1200 --throughput 1000000  --
> producer-props acks=1 bootstrap.servers=<host_name>:9092 
> batch.size=100000
> 18/08/22 10:12:37 INFO utils.AppInfoParser: Kafka commitId : unknown
> 294801 records sent, 58960.2 records/sec (67.47 MB/sec), 55.0 ms avg 
> latency, 265.0 max latency.
> 275261 records sent, 49632.3 records/sec (56.80 MB/sec), 251.1 ms avg 
> latency, 1420.0 max latency.
> 293654 records sent, 58730.8 records/sec (67.21 MB/sec), 244.0 ms avg 
> latency, 1485.0 max latency.
> 1000000 records sent, 57733.387218 records/sec (66.07 MB/sec), 162.61 ms 
> avg latency, 1485.00 ms max latency, 73 ms 50th, 546 ms 95th, 1459 ms 
> 99th, 1477 ms 99.9th.
> After Security is Enabled:
> kafka-producer-perf-test --topic myPerformanceTestTopic --num-records 
> 1000000 --print-metrics --record-size 1200 --throughput 1000000  --
> producer-props acks=1 bootstrap.servers=<host_name>:9094 
> batch.size=100000 --producer.config <my_secure_path>/sasl-ssl-
> auth.properties
> 18/08/22 12:33:36 INFO utils.AppInfoParser: Kafka commitId : unknown
> 39610 records sent, 7917.2 records/sec (9.06 MB/sec), 1669.5 ms avg 
> latency, 2608.0 max latency.
> 58320 records sent, 11659.3 records/sec (13.34 MB/sec), 2514.2 ms avg 
> latency, 3242.0 max latency.
> 92016 records sent, 18399.5 records/sec (21.06 MB/sec), 1579.2 ms avg 
> latency, 2119.0 max latency.
> 84645 records sent, 16925.6 records/sec (19.37 MB/sec), 1578.7 ms avg 
> latency, 2111.0 max latency.
> 106515 records sent, 21286.0 records/sec (24.36 MB/sec), 1300.4 ms avg 
> latency, 1662.0 max latency.
> l74520 records sent, 14895.1 records/sec (17.05 MB/sec), 1688.1 ms avg 
> latency, 2350.0 max latency.
> 77841 records sent, 15562.0 records/sec (17.81 MB/sec), 1749.2 ms avg 
> latency, 2030.0 max latency.
> 94851 records sent, 18970.2 records/sec (21.71 MB/sec), 1495.4 ms avg 
> latency, 2111.0 max latency.
> 102870 records sent, 20569.9 records/sec (23.54 MB/sec), 1345.6 ms avg 
> latency, 1559.0 max latency.
> 121095 records sent, 24219.0 records/sec (27.72 MB/sec), 1143.8 ms avg 
> latency, 1738.0 max latency.
> 126036 records sent, 25202.2 records/sec (28.84 MB/sec), 1080.5 ms avg 
> latency, 1384.0 max latency.
> 1000000 records sent, 17906.385417 records/sec (20.49 MB/sec), 1465.52 
> ms avg latency, 3242.00 ms max latency, 1355 ms 50th, 2339 ms 95th, 2914 
> ms 99th, 3211 ms 99.9th
> Thank you,
> Harsha

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