the data directory is memory basd, no hard drive involved.
mount -t tmpfs -o size=25G tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk  and use this as data folder.
iostat show 0 write too.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 11:06 PM Ken Chen <> wrote:

> You are reaching 10gb * 1000 / 64 = 156 MB / s which probably saturated
> your hard drive bandwidth ? So you can take a look at your iostats
> --
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 22, 2018, at 8:20 PM, Nan Xu <> wrote:
> I setup a local single node test. producer and broker are sitting at the
> same VM. broker only has a single node(localhost) and a single partition.
> producer produce message as fast as it could in a single thread. all update
> to a SINGLE key(String). the kafka broker data directory is memory based
> directory(RAM). in this setup, because I am not access network( everything
> is localhost), and not access disk( memory based dir). I should avoid all
> the IO operations, so the pub should be really, really fast, maybe close to
> the memory speed. But I publish 1,000,000 messges (every message is 10K
> string, so total 10G), that takes 64s, which I think it's very slow. And
> from htop, I don't see any cpu thread get pushed to close to 100%. is that
> mean kafka has some internal lock/wait which can not fully utilize the
> hardware? producer and broker setting are out of box default, I am using
> Thanks,
> Nan

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