Hello, I'm unable to start the zookeeper as well as Kafka. I tried by downloading the zookeeper separately & now I'm able to start the zookeeper. Coming to Kafka-server, It throws an error message "wmic is not recognized as an internal or external command", I resolved it by adding the "C:\Windows\System32\wbem" to path in system variables. Now when I try to run kafka-server, Neither the kafka-server starts Nor throws any error message.
Steps followed: 1. Downloaded the zookeeper & Kafka-server from http://kafka.apache.org/downloads (Binary downloads) 2. Extracted the file using "tar" command 3. From the cmd try to run the zookeeper, Which worked fine. 4. From another cmd try to run kafka-server, No error message (Find the attachement) Is there anything that I'm not following correctly. Thanks, Naresh