You should use ConsumerRebalanceListener to check if there is a rebalance
or not.  Seeing same assigned partitions after each poll doesn't mean there
is no rebalance.


On Wed, Aug 1, 2018, 8:57 AM Manoj Khangaonkar <>

> Hi,
> I am implementing flow control by
> (1) using the pause(partitions) method on the consumer to stop
> consumer.poll from returning messages.
> (2) using the resume(partitions) method on the consumer to let
> consumer.poll return messages
> This works well for a while. Several sets of  pause-resume work as
> expected.
> But after a while I am seeing that the paused consumer starts returning
> messages WITHOUT my code calling resume.
> There are no changes in the partitions assigned to consumer. I know this
> because I logs the assigned partitions after every consumer.poll(...). That
> should rule out a rebalance.
> Is there something that I am missing here ?
> Is there something more required to pause a consumer from retrieving
> message ?
> regards
> --

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