Hello Francesco,

Streams auto-created repartition topics's num.partitions are determined by
the num.tasks of the writing sub-topology, which is then determined by the
source topic's num.partitions in turn. There are some proposals about
extending this coupling but not yet implemented:

So for your scenario, for now you'll have to manually create the "through"
topic explicitly before starting the streams app with the num.partitions
you want.


On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 6:37 AM, Francesco Frontera <
francesco.front...@radicalbit.io> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a question about topic repartitioning in Kafka Streams using
> `through` function.
> I try to explain the context Briefly:
> I have single topic A with two partitions:
>  A:1:9
>  A:0:0
> I try to create a repartitioned topic using Kafka Streams API:
> builder.stream("A").map<>((key, val) => KeyValueMapper
> {..selectKey(val)}).through("B", Produced.`with`(....))
> the streaming job produced a topic with a single partition (B:0:9) instead
> of a topic with 2 partitions, which is something I want to achieve (i.e.
> retaining the upstream partitions number).
> Is there a way to create an auxiliary topic with specific partitions
> directly from Kafka Streams API without creating topic explicitly (similar
> to join operation)?
> If the join neither does it, am I then forced to create manually the
> internal topics with the desired number of partitions for internal
> repartitioning? Is this valid also for all the KafkaStreams operator's
> output topics?
> Thanks,
> Francesco Frontera.

-- Guozhang

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