
I'm new to Kafka and am looking to set up a 3 node cluster in our data
centers to handle local log traffic.  Currently, our traffic is sent via
UDP so we can tolerate some message loss.  What I can't tolerate is a
complete loss of the Kafka cluster because we would quickly fill up our UDP
buffers and start dropping message en mass.

After testing some configurations in AWS, I believe a 3 node (4cpu 16GB)
cluster is sufficient to handle our peak messaging rate.  I was planning on
running both Kafka and Zookeeper instances on these nodes.  I am concerned,
however, that my setup can only tolerate a single broker outage.

I experimented a bit and found that if I managed Zookeeper separately (like
in a container setup), and I set parameters such as min.insync.replicas and
unclean leader election, I was able to keep Kafka running and processing
with enough throughput to keep our system afloat.

My questions are:

   - Although this can be done, should I?
   - With a setup like this, is it ever possible for Kafka to develop a
   split-brain situation, or is that impossible because Zookeeper is running
   an must maintain quorum?

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