Hey Craig,

what exact problem you have with Sarama client?

On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 5:11 PM Craig Ching <craigch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm working on debugging a problem with how message timestamps are handled
> in the sarama client.  In some cases, the sarama client won't associate a
> timestamp with a message while the kafka console consumer does.  I've found
> the documentation on the message format here:
> https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#messageformat
> But the information there is very sparse.  For instance, what are
> 'firstTimestamp' and 'maxTimestamp'?  It seems that when I'm debugging
> sarama, firstTimestamp is set to -1 and maxTimestamp appears to be the
> timestamp I want.  Is there some state about the message that I need to
> understand in order to have maxTimestamp be used?  Any further
> documentation or guidance on this would be very helpful!
> On another note, I am trying to debug this through the scala/java console
> consumer, but I'm having a hard time getting IntelliJ setup.  Is there
> anything special or documentation I need to set this up for debugging?

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