Hi Vincent,

Thanks a bunch lot for the explanation.

>you can choose when you want to produce your output event based on
the state

How do I achieve this? I want to hook into the session expiration to
call my report function with the accumulated state once the inactivity
gap for the given key is elapsed.


Am I on the right path here? Do I need to detect elapsed session
windows manually somehow?

On 2018. 07. 17. at 10:31 AM, "Vincent Maurin"  wrote:Hi

Kafka streams sounds like a good solution there.
The first step is to properly partition your event topics, based on
session key so all events for the same session will goes to the same
Then you could build your kafka streams application, that will
maintains a
state (manually managed or using DSL aggregation functions) with a
So a event will be immediately consumed, but to update the state only,
you can choose when you want to produce your output event based on the
You can read about windowing in the official documentation here

On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 10:09 AM  wrote:

> Hi,
> My use case includes consuming events for sessions and once an
> inactivity gap is over creating a detailed report on them. From the
> docs (using 1.0.1 currently) it is not clear what is the best way to
> achieve this, it seems  actions like reduce and aggregate create
> results with the same type as their inputs and they produce a new
> update for each arriving event.
> Is this a suitable use case for a kafka streams application? Any
> pointers how to create and publish statistics to a topic only once
> after all related events grouped by some key arrived? Possibly only
> reading the messages from the topic when a session is to be fully
> processed?
> Thanks

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