<> seems to explain the issue 
I’m seeing; however, I’m running Kafka and Kafka Streams on version 1.1.0 so I 
wonder why this issue is still occurring?


> On Jul 10, 2018, at 9:38 AM, Matthias J. Sax <> wrote:
> Can it be, that you hit:
> -Matthias
> On 7/9/18 7:58 PM, David Chu wrote:
>> I have a Kafka Streams application which is currently failing to start due 
>> to the following ProducerFencedException:
>> "Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.ProducerFencedException: task 
>> [0_57] Abort sending since producer got fenced with a previous record (key 
>> ABCD value [B@4debf146 timestamp 1531159392586) to topic 
>> my-stream-1-store-changelog due to Producer attempted an operation with an 
>> old epoch. Either there is a newer producer with the same transactionalId, 
>> or the producer's transaction has been expired by the broker.”
>> My stream application has exactly-once processing enabled and also has a 
>> state store with a logging enabled.  The application had been running for 
>> some time but was recently shutdown and now when I try to start it back up, 
>> it always fails due to ProducerFencedExceptions like the one shown above.  
>> From what I can tell, these exceptions are occurring because the producer 
>> transactions are timing out causing their transactionId to become invalid.  
>> I believe the producer transactions are timing out due to the recovery of 
>> the state store taking longer than the 1 minute default transaction timeout 
>> period.  My reasoning for this is that when I look at the Kafka Broker logs 
>> I see the following sequence of events:
>> 1. The Kafka Streams application is started and I see the following logs 
>> appear in the Kafka Broker indicating the producer transactions have been 
>> initialized:
>> "[2018-07-10T01:34:21,112Z]  [INFO ]  [kafka-request-handler-0]  
>> [k.c.t.TransactionCoordinator]  [TransactionCoordinator id=79213818] 
>> Initialized transactionalId my-stream-1-0_37 with producerId 6011 and 
>> producer epoch 33 on partition __transaction_state-41”
>> 2. When I go back to the Kafka Streams application logs I can see that the 
>> stream threads are still recovering their state stores from the changelog 
>> topic due to the following log messages:
>> "[2018-07-10T01:34:23,164Z]  [INFO ]  
>> [my-stream-1-755e7bc7-831d-4d3f-8d4c-2d2641095afa-StreamThread-5]  
>> [c.a.a.s.k.s.StateRestorationMonitor]  Starting restoration of topic 
>> [my-stream-1-store-changelog] partition [27] for state store [store] with 
>> starting offset [0] and ending offset [2834487]"
>> 3. Over a minute goes by and state store restoration is still taking place 
>> and then I see the following log messages appear in the Kafka Broker:
>> "[2018-07-10T01:36:29,542Z]  [INFO ]  [kafka-request-handler-4]  
>> [k.c.t.TransactionCoordinator]  [TransactionCoordinator id=79213818] 
>> Completed rollback ongoing transaction of transactionalId: my-stream-1-0_37 
>> due to timeout”
>> "[2018-07-10T01:36:48,387Z]  [ERROR]  [kafka-request-handler-5]  
>> [kafka.server.ReplicaManager]  [ReplicaManager broker=79213818] Error 
>> processing append operation on partition my-stream-1-store-changelog-37
>> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.ProducerFencedException: Producer's epoch is 
>> no longer valid. There is probably another producer with a newer epoch. 33 
>> (request epoch), 34 (server epoch)”
>> 4. Soon after that the Kafka Streams application transitions into the ERROR 
>> state and does not recover. 
>> So from what I can tell it appears that the producer transactions are timing 
>> out because the state store recovery process is taking over a minute to 
>> complete, and while the recovery is taking place the stream threads are not 
>> committing their transactions.  If this is the case, I wonder if it would 
>> make sense to not begin the producer transactions until after the state 
>> store recovery has completed?  This would help to prevent long state store 
>> recoveries from potentially causing the transactions to time out.
>> Thanks,
>> David

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