Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m under the impression that the task_id 
in streams metrics is formatted as <topicGroupId>_<partitionId>, and 
topicGroupId corresponds to a particular subtopology in the streams topology. I 
assume that’s true for the rest of this message.

I have a streams app with multiple sub topologies. Two subtopologies are pretty 
simple but one is more complex with an aggregation, a join, and a transform. 
All input topics to subtopology 1 have 48 partitions, and I have 12 app 
instances running kafka streams with 4 threads each.  The distribution of tasks 
across threads and application instances is balanced. But when I look just at 
just the complex subtopology, I see that the number of partitions assigned to 
each thread varies between 0 and 2, and if I aggregate to the app level, it 
varies between 2 and 6.

Based on this, it looks to me that when assigning partitions to threads, the 
subtopology/topic group is not considered when trying to balance tasks assigned 
to threads. Also, it looks like kafkastreams instance may not be considered 
either, though that may just be an artifact of subtopology not being 
considered. Is that the case? Either way this is not ideal, because my complex 
sub topology is much more cpu and memory intensive.

So my question is: is it possible to take subtopology into account when tasks 
are assigned to threads/instances short of modifying StreamPartitionAssignor? 
I’m thinking I might need to split out that subtopology to a different streams 
app, but was wondering if there was a simpler way.


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