Hi All,

We have a use case that we aggregate some metrics with its event-time
(timestamp on the metric itself) using the simplest tumbling window. The
window itself can be set a retention but since we are aggregating with
event-time the retention has to be based on event-time too. However, in our
scenario, we have some late arrival metrics (up to one year) and we hope
the window retention can be based on process-time so that we can hold the
late arrival metrics for some time and expire them after some hours even
without new metrics of the same aggregation key coming.

We have tried:
1. Set TTL on RocksDB but it is disabled in Kafka Streams.
2. Using low level processor API but scanning the statestore and delete one
by one significantly drops the performance.

Please let us know if it is possible to aggregate by event-time but setting
the window retention based on its process-time.


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